Must Have Power Tools for the Professional Handyman

Power Tool: Miter Saw

For the professional handyman, power tools are necessary to complete most projects, however large or small they may be.

Having the right tools and equipment will ensure that you complete your projects as quickly and safely as possible while maintaining a high level of quality and professionalism. They will also help you minimize waste, lowering your job costs and increasing the bottom line.

In addition to a basic selection of must have power tools, however, a handyman also needs safety gear and a jobsite workstation that doubles as a miter saw table.

The Must Haves

Reciprocating Saw

You may know this tool by its more common name, the Sawzall. Although you can get battery-powered reciprocating saws, you’ll want plenty of power for the projects that require this tool. So, consider a corded version rather than (or in addition to) a cordless model.

Power Drill

You’ll use this power tool on almost every project, for both drilling and driving screws. Cordless versions are indispensable but consider carrying a corded drill in your truck. You nev r know when you might run out of battery power on those long days.

Shop Vac

A must have power tool? Don’t skimp on this one because your customers will expect you to clean up when you’re done. Invest in a good shop vac and it will serve you well for years to come.

Table Saw

If you’ll need to rip any lumber, you’ll need a table saw. You might not have to take it to every project but you’ll need a good quality model to ensure quality and safety.

Sliding Miter Saw

If you get the right miter saw, you can eliminate the need for carrying around a skill saw. Mounting your saw on a good quality miter saw table will ensure high quality, exact cuts.

Don’t Forget Your Safety Gear

Safety gear – including professional quality safety goggles, work gloves, earplugs and kneepads – is critical for preventing injuries on the job. These items will also improve your comfort and give your clients peace-of-mind.

And, although you won’t need it for every job, keep a hardhat in your truck. It’s always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to a potential head injury.

A must have power tool people forget...

Most of your projects will require you to use your power saw for cutting lumber. So why not do it right and get a proffesional workstation setup?

virtually all of your projects will benefit from having this power tool "accessory". 

Investing in a portable jobsite workstation that is also a miter saw table is the perfect way to meet this need. You’ll be able to quickly measure and make your lumber cuts and, because you’ll be up, off the ground, you will not only be more comfortable but you’ll reduce or eliminate most of the safety risks associated with doing cuts on the ground.

You’ll also present a more professional image to your customers, which will lead to repeat work and referrals.

CutHub is the ideal solution for the professional handyman, finish carpenter and woodworkers of all types. It’s light and portable enough that you can carry it yourself and, thanks to its innovative folding design, you can easily transport it in your truck. With universal mounts for your table saw and your miter saw, you’ll be able to do virtually everything the job requires.

Visit our home site: CutHub today to watch some of the amazing videos we have posted, of real construction workers, handymen and DIYers making safe, fast and accurate cuts. We think you’ll agree if we are talking must have power tools...that CutHub is the perfect complement to the professional handyman.